Friday, March 8, 2013

End of the Journey

Now I have come to the end of my journey. I now have the opportunity to voice my opinions (even though I have been putting in input throughout this blog). It is obvious that dating in the modern day has changed drastically since “bundling” in the colonial times., eHarmony, and every other match making website has put a new twist to the dating game. What this research has shown me is that there will always be new twist. I guess that is what makes the journey fun. I now realize that I was once very naïve. I was naïve to think that every generation before me had beautiful love stories. I could try to blame the sixties and seventies on the downfall of dating in the modern world, but I am going to hold my generation accountable for our actions. I will not blame the media for why things are the way they are. My generation has to change. Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” If young ladies want to attract a gentleman, she must carry herself in a way that appeals to a decent guy. If girls keep going to the club wearing tight fitting clothing, then they will continue to attract the same type of guys. Guys still confuse me. All my male friends say they want a girl that will have sex with them, but they do not want their future wife to have slept around. That state is a contradiction within itself. Young men of my generation want to get the cake, and eat it too. I feel like they will never be pleased. Gender roles are beginning to switch. There are now many women that have careers in the corporate world, and more men are becoming stay at home dads. Roles being reversed was not even thought of in the colonial times. The music of my era does not help the dating situation. Many male rappers refer to women as bad B******. It has gotten to the point where females are now referring to themselves as bad B******. My mother always told me that a man would only go as far as I will let him. A strong, independent mother that showered me with love raised me; therefor I have a high self-esteem. Sadly, many girls do not have as much confidence about themselves as I do. These young women allow young men to be sub-par gentlemen. Fate. Fate is something that I deeply believe in. I believe fate brought me to Gary’s essay. Without stumbling upon this essay, I would not have been through this journey. I have learned that that every era had their gentleman, but every era had their douche. There were great moments and flaws in all of the eras. I just have to hope that one-day when I do kiss a frog, he will turn into my prince, but not until I have found out whom I am.


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